For eight years - or exactly 50 gigs - I played keyboards with forty9dot6. The weekly rehearsals and the annual rehearsal weekend on the Seelisberg were characterized by serious rehearsal work
but also a lot of laughter and fun.
The gigs from the smallest stage in the Horseshoe Baar in Oberarth, or in the Rathauskeller in Zug, to the large lake stage were the well-deserved reward for our hard rehearsal work and always a
special experience. The change in our equipment and the furnishings in the rehearsal room were also impressive. I was able to say goodbye to the band and our most loyal fans with a great farewell
gig at Dukes in Shilbrugg. Thank you for the great time with you! I wish my successor Urs as much fun and great gigs as I was able to experience.
Marco Blessano took some of our photos on our website. Many thanks Marco, the photo shoot was such a lot of fun.
Many thanks Marcel for the wonderful impressions at the EVZ season opening party in Zug, and also at the ZUEBRINGERFÄSCHT OBFELDEN - OTTENBACH.
Are you looking for a recording studio for music, speech, noises or other exciting topics in the audio field? We can warmly recommend the tongarage in Baar.
Thanks to Earline AG, we are well served during our performances with our In Ear Monitoring.
The Swiss musician and platform
Do you want to become the person you would like to meet?
Singer Daniela runs a practice in Ballwil, and practices Reiki, hypnosis and coaching.